I say aspen meaning elm and
speak of the cottonwood.
The boy was not in love with
trains as the other boys were,
and ran from their distant
noise in terror, ran until a
parent scooped him up and
hugged him near. Harmless
time, she whispers. Red is not,
however, obviously endless. I
watched three men grill three
rows of sausages each on
three grills facing the beach.
That was the morning after
the earthquake article, and
we all felt somewhat older.
Uncommon seeing. A habit
imbues what is hope with
actual practice.
speak of the cottonwood.
The boy was not in love with
trains as the other boys were,
and ran from their distant
noise in terror, ran until a
parent scooped him up and
hugged him near. Harmless
time, she whispers. Red is not,
however, obviously endless. I
watched three men grill three
rows of sausages each on
three grills facing the beach.
That was the morning after
the earthquake article, and
we all felt somewhat older.
Uncommon seeing. A habit
imbues what is hope with
actual practice.