Li Bo and the Bending Light
“What’s the most fun you can have</br> with bending light?” he wants to know</br>
as we sit on the banks of the Rainy River</br> watching sunbeams break into rainbows.</br>
I shrug, throw some bread out onto the water</br> and we watch small fish leap and thrash.</br>
Suddenly his face is filled with light,</br> his hair ablaze with honey-gold.</br>
Then, shadows of clouds and a quick cold</br> ripple of wind. His hands burn red,</br>
and as the waves shorten all through</br> the spectrum, orange, green and all the rest,</br>
until they pulse ultraviolet, as he turns</br> to shield my face from x- and gamma rays.</br>
When clouds pass, air warms around us as</br> sunshine glides softly over the long river’s</br>
curl. He smiles, his face starlit, his shining</br> hands soaked, transformed by mystery and joy.</br>