Five Myths and Misfortunes

by Innas Tsuroiya on June 22, 2016

:: foliage
summer is long gone
winter is yet to come
let alone the spring but
let me come to think of it;
about the brown fall for
it can be a perfect lesson
about how death, of leaves
and living things, at the very
least, is beautiful and
ephemeral and beautiful and
ephemeral and be—

:: apollo
exploding tanks, wasted oxygen,
choked throats, dry lungs, almost lost
forever in foreign space and home;
but home was the last thing we recalled
because the suits that allowed us to walk
inside this zero gravity cubicle
needed to call a small station in that
rotting blue planet, first of all
we were almost forever lost
yet home was calling us home

:: postman
he gazes through the window
and mumbles about loneliness;
of himself, stamp and airmail,
an old office he will someday leave
for retirement but then he checks his
phone and giggles and stops mumbling

:: astral
look at the girl in sweater
and brunette milk braids
crying while knotting the
dead dots beyond the skies
we can hear you, little girl
don’t hope for silly things like
getting new band merch for
christmas or losing weight
to the constellations because
even when we have lived here
for million years, we are still
unseen, our hopes are crashing
and burned like one of those dead
dots, again, but we are also one of
the dead dots, again, just in the
other side of galaxy you don’t see

:: feast
my name is toothpick
but nobody picks me before
dinner or in the middle of dinner
or after dinner; whenever

Five Myths and Misfortunes - June 22, 2016 -